Subsequent Endorsements

The following subsequent endorsements are available to add to a professional educator license upon the completion of specified courses that meet ISBE requirements and ISBE exams. All licensure requirements are subject to change as directed by State of Illinois legislation and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and as interpreted by the College of Education. Please see ISBE for the latest information regarding Subsequent Endorsements.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement (18 credit hours)

MSED 631Theoretical Foundations of Bilingual and ESL4
MSED 632Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language4
MSED 633Assessment of Bilingual and ESL Students3
MSED 634Cross Cultural Studies for Teaching Limited-English Proficient Students3
MSED 636Linguistics4
Total Hours18

Bilingual Endorsement (18 credit hours)

MSED 631Theoretical Foundations of Bilingual and ESL4
MSED 632Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language4
MSED 633Assessment of Bilingual and ESL Students3
MSED 634Cross Cultural Studies for Teaching Limited-English Proficient Students3
MSED 637Methods and Materials for Teaching Bilingual Students3
MSED 638Supporting Multilingual Learners in the Inclusive Classroom1
Total Hours18

Applicant must pass a target language proficiency test

Elementary Education Endorsement (18 credit hours)

18 credit hours in four areas: Growth and Development, Planning and Assessment, Methods and Content Pedagogy, and Literacy Methods

MEDU 670Educational Psychology3
MEDU 674Instructional Planning and Assessment3
MEDU 661Creating a Responsive Classroom2
MEDU 676Methods of Teaching Science in Elementary School3
MEDU 678Methods of Teaching Social Science in Elementary School1
MEDU 680Methods of Teaching Literacy3
MEDU 683Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School3
Total Hours18

Middle Grades Education Endorsement (18 credit hours)

18 credit hours including Adolescent Methods in Content Area plus 15 hours of content courses listed elsewhere in this catalog

Adolescent Methods in Content Area
Select one of the following:3
Methods of Teaching Adolescents Science (3)
Methods of Teaching Adolescents English/Language Arts (3)
Methods of Teaching Adolescents Social Science (3)
Methods of Teaching Adolescents Mathematics (3)

Principal Preparation Endorsement (33 credit hours)

MSED 603Instructional Leadership3
MSED 610Methods of Educational Research3
MSED 645Organization and Development of Curriculum3
MSED 655Supervisory Behavior3
MSED 661School Community Relations3
MSED 662School Finance3
MSED 663School Law3
MSED 664Educational Organization and Administration3
MSED 670Serving Special Populations3
MSED 671Principal Internship I2
MSED 672Principal Internship II2
MSED 673Principal Internship III2
Total Hours33

Reading Specialist Endorsement (33 credit hours)1, 2

MSED 608Cultural Awareness1
MSED 610Methods of Educational Research3
MSED 641Foundations of Literacy3
MSED 642Literacy Assessment and Diagnosis3
MSED 644Utilizing Literature in the Classroom3
MSED 646Reading Specialist Practicum4
MSED 648Developing Competent Writers3
MSED 649Literacy Coach Practicum4
MSED 651Reading Teacher Practicum1
MSED 689Disciplinary Literacy3
MSED 745Literacy Instructional Support3
MSED 752Dyslexia Awareness and Best Practice2
Total Hours33

REND equivalent courses may satisfy a requirement.


ISBE requires the candidate to be pursuing or have earned a master's degree for the Reading Specialist Endorsement.

Reading Teacher Endorsement (18 credit hours)1

MSED 641Foundations of Literacy3
MSED 642Literacy Assessment and Diagnosis3
MSED 644Utilizing Literature in the Classroom3
MSED 651Reading Teacher Practicum1
MSED 689Disciplinary Literacy3
MSED 745Literacy Instructional Support3
MSED 752Dyslexia Awareness and Best Practice2
Total Hours18

REND 641 Foundations of LiteracyREND 642 Literacy Assessment and DiagnosisREND 644 Utilizing Literature in the ClassroomREND 645 Literacy Instructional SupportREND 651 Reading Teacher PracticumREND 652 Dyslexia Awareness and Best PracticeREND 689 Disciplinary Literacy may satisfy the requirement.

Secondary Education Endorsement – Science (18 credit hours)

18 credit hours may include the course below plus content courses listed elsewhere in this catalog.

MEDU 691Methods of Teaching Adolescents Science3

Secondary Education Endorsement – English (18 credit hours)

18 credit hours may include the course below plus content courses.

MEDU 692Methods of Teaching Adolescents English/Language Arts3

Secondary Education Endorsement – History (18 credit hours)

18 credit hours may include the course below plus content courses.

MEDU 693Methods of Teaching Adolescents Social Science3

Secondary Education Endorsement – Math (18 credit hours)

18 credit hours may include the course below plus content courses.

MEDU 694Methods of Teaching Adolescents Mathematics3

Special Education Endorsement (29 credit hours)

MEDU 620Data Driven Decision Making3
MEDU 640Development and Characteristics of Individuals with Special Needs 13
MEDU 641Legal and Historical Foundations in Special Education 13
MEDU 642Assessment & Diagnosis in Special Education 13
MEDU 644Specialized Curriculum and Methods in Special Education 13
MEDU 645Communication, Collaboration and Transition in Special Education3
MEDU 646General Literacy Methods 22
MEDU 647General Mathematics Methods 22
MEDU 648Language Development and Teaching Methods for Moderate and Severe Disabilities3
MEDU 696Subsequent Endorsement Field Experience1
SPED 646Special Education Subsequent Field Experience3
Total Hours29

May be substituted with the EEND equivalent course.


Transcript evaluation may be used.

Superintendent Endorsement (36 credit hours)

EDEL 800Dynamics of Organizational and Change Theories3
EDEL 811An Overview of Superintendency3
EDEL 820School Evaluation, Assessment and Accountability3
EDEL 825Superintendency: Policy and Ethics3
EDEL 830Administration and Management of Educational Facilities3
EDEL 835School District Finance and Business Management3
EDEL 840Advanced Legal Issues for School Districts3
EDEL 845Human Resource Administration and Collective Bargaining3
EDEL 850Instructional Program with a Focus on Learning3
EDEL 860Governance of the School District3
EDEL 870Superintendency Internship I3
EDEL 871Superintendency Internship II3
Total Hours36

Teacher Leader Endorsement (21 credit hours)

MSED 603Instructional Leadership3
MSED 645Organization and Development of Curriculum3
MSED 655Supervisory Behavior3
MSED 661School Community Relations3
MSED 664Educational Organization and Administration3
MSED 670Serving Special Populations3
MSED XXXApproved Elective Course (MSED or MEDU)3
Total Hours21

Visual Arts Education Endorsement (18 credit hours)

18 credit hours may include the courses below plus content courses.

MEDU 655Methods of Teaching Elementary Visual Arts (PK-5)3
MEDU 656Methods of Teaching Middle and Secondary Visual Arts3