Educational Leadership (EDEL)

EDEL 800  Dynamics of Organizational and Change Theories  (3)  

This course provides the foundation for leaders (business and school-based) regarding dynamics of organizations, leadership from a broad perspective, identifying necessary change, providing support to ensure successful implementation of change, measuring the effectiveness of change, identifying the next logical steps, and understanding how staff typically react to change. In addition, the course addresses the need to involve representative stakeholder groups and diverse populations in the analysis and implementation of change policies. Emphasis is on ethical leadership throughout the implementation of change in the organization.

EDEL 809  Quantitative and Qualitative Research I  (3)  

This course provides a background of concepts and practices related to mixed research methodologies at the doctoral level. Where to collect data, how to collect data, how to analyze data, how to use educational statistics, and how to develop an ethical study are the key topics of this course. It also provides the foundation for educators to use regarding the use of research to guide and inform decision-making, ethical and appropriate use of educational statistics, identifying and critiquing educational research to determine its appropriateness for district and school use, and use of data to measure achievement regarding district vision, mission, and goals.

EDEL 810  Quantitative and Qualitative Research II  (3)  

This course provides more understanding of and experience with concepts and practices related to mixed research methodologies at the doctoral level. It builds upon the foundation from EDEL 809 Quantitative and Qualitative Research I by helping candidates to use research to guide and inform decision-making, ethical and appropriate use of educational statistics, identifying and critiquing educational research to determine its appropriateness for district and school use, and use of data to measure achievement regarding district vision, mission, and goals.

EDEL 811  An Overview of Superintendency  (3)  

This course provides a background of the scope and duties of district-level educational leadership. Candidates will learn how to work with the Board of Education, village or city leaders, the county Regional Office of Education, employee groups, and various stakeholder groups. They also will learn the logistics and mechanics of running board meetings, developing and monitoring public relations plans, filing appropriate paperwork with various governmental agencies, and managing the central office: curriculum & instruction, human resources, special education, business affairs, transportation, buildings and grounds, etc. Specifics related to each of the topics will be addressed throughout the program, but this course puts them all together in an overview intended to prepare candidates for the scope of duties and responsibilities related to ethical, district-level educational leadership.

EDEL 812  Dissertation Experience I: Review of Literature  (3)  

This course helps the doctoral candidate to begin the dissertation process. Through this course, candidates will conduct an analysis of related studies supporting their dissertation topic and their writing of Chapter 2 - Review of the Literature.

EDEL 813  Dissertation Experience II: Design of the Study  (3)  

This course helps the doctoral candidate to continue through the dissertation process and to adjust the prior chapter. Through this course, candidates will determine and conduct appropriate research and/or surveys, appropriate to writing Chapter 3 - Design of the Study.

EDEL 814  Dissertation Experience III: Collection and Analysis of Data  (3)  

This course helps the doctoral candidate to continue the dissertation process and to adjust prior chapters. Through this course, candidates will analyze and explain research and/or surveys, appropriate to writing Chapter 4 - Analysis of the Data and Artifacts.

EDEL 815  Overview of Stewardship and Learning  (3)  

Provides a background of the scope and duties of stewardship and leadership. Candidates will learn how to work with members of the governing board, village or city leaders, the various regional groups, employee groups and stakeholder groups. They also will learn the logistics and mechanics of running board meetings, developing and monitoring public relations plans, filing appropriate paperwork with various governmental agencies and managing the central office departments and services. Specifics related to each of the topics will be addressed throughout the program, but this course puts them all together in an overview intended to prepare candidates for the scope of duties and responsibilities related to stewardship and leadership.

EDEL 816  Dissertation Experience IV: Summary and Interpretations of the Study  (3)  

This course helps the doctoral candidate to continue the dissertation process and adjust prior chapters. Through this course, candidates will summarize and interpret the findings of the study appropriate to writing Chapter 5.

EDEL 817  Dissertation Experience V: Preparation of the Dissertation for Presentation and Publication  (3)  

This course helps the doctoral candidate to prepare the dissertation for presentation to the COE faculty and the dissertation committee. In addition, candidates will be required to submit their dissertation study for publication.

EDEL 818  Dissertation Exp Advanced  (1)  

This is an optional course for candidates needing extra time to complete their dissertation. It may include one or more of the following deliveries: blended, face to face, and/or online delivery.

May be repeated for up to 8 hours  
EDEL 820  School Evaluation, Assessment and Accountability  (3)  

This course addresses various systems, methods, and theories relative to assessment and evaluation of the organization. Ways to effectively evaluate the organization, the smaller units (schools, departments, classrooms, etc.) students' achievement, and employees' performance will be analyzed. Appropriate analysis and reporting of evaluation results as well as development of improvement processes will be taught in this course. In addition, this course addresses the need to ensure the accommodation and representation of diverse and special needs groups in the planning, implementation, and analysis of assessments and related data.

EDEL 821  Evaluation and Accountability: Defining Organizational Success  (3)  

Addresses various systems, methods and theories relative to assessment and evaluation of the organization. Ways to effectively evaluate the organization, the smaller units (departments, services, etc.) and employees’ performance will be analyzed. Appropriate analysis and reporting of evaluation results as well as development of improvement process will be taught in this course. In addition, this course addresses the need to ensure the accommodation and representation of diverse and special needs groups in the planning, implementation and analysis of assessments and related data.

EDEL 825  Superintendency: Policy and Ethics  (3)  

This course provides the foundation for superintendents as they lead school districts in pursuit of the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. Leading all stakeholders, including the Board of Education, to utilize resources appropriately, keeping the district focus on human growth and development as well as teaching and learning, and getting all stakeholders to assume responsibility for the children and schools of the district are the key topics of this course.

EDEL 826  Leadership, Politics and Ethics  (3)  

Provides a foundation for ethical leadership in pursuit of the mission, vision and goals of the organization. Leading all stakeholders, including the board, to utilize resources appropriately, keeping the districts focus on professional growth and development, and getting all stakeholders to assume responsibility for the mission of the organization and its impact on society, are the key topics of the course.

EDEL 830  Administration and Management of Educational Facilities  (3)  

This course provides the foundation for superintendents as they lead the district in good fiscal and organizational stewardship. Overseeing the operation, maintenance, and future needs of the facilities and equipment; providing quality maintenance and repair through internal and external resources; utilizing state-of-the-art technology to manage the district's resources; and implementing preventative maintenance procedures are the key topics of this course.

EDEL 831  Using Facilities to Fulfill the Mission  (3)  

Provides the foundation for leading the organization through good fiscal and ethical stewardship. Overseeing the operation, maintenance and future needs of the facilities and equipment; providing quality maintenance and repair through internal and external resources; utilizing state-of-the-art technology to manage the organization’s resources; and implementing preventative maintenance procedures are the key topics of this course.

EDEL 835  School District Finance and Business Management  (3)  

This course provides the foundation for superintendents as they lead the financial and business management aspects of the school district. Determining an appropriate levy, filing the levy, positing the levy, budgeting in good times and crisis times, trimming an existing budget without compromising the district's mission, internal and external accounting and monitoring, and assuring appropriate financial resources necessary for quality teaching and learning are the key topics of this course.

EDEL 837  Stewardship for Resources  (3)  

Provides the foundation for steward leaders as they oversee the financial and business management aspects of the organization. Determining revenue sources for profit, non-profit, and government organization, budgeting in good times and crisis times, trimming an existing budget without compromising the mission, internal and external accounting and monitoring, and assuring appropriate financial resources necessary for success are the key topics of this course.

EDEL 840  Advanced Legal Issues for School Districts  (3)  

This course provides the legal foundation for superintendents as they lead the school district through potentially litigious situations. Issues of ethics, constitutionality, protection of individual rights, respect of uniqueness and diversity, and compliance with statutes and regulations are some of the key topics of this course. In addition, students will learn how to lead the Board of Education in the development of policies, as well as how to implement operational procedures. Current laws and recent cases will be analyzed, including current special education laws.

EDEL 841  Legal, Ethical, Moral Issues  (3)  

Provides the legal foundation for organizational leaders in the current climate of litigious situations. Issues of ethics, constitutionality, protection of individual rights, respect of uniqueness and diversity, and compliance with statues and regulations are some of the key topics of this course. In addition, students will learn how to lead the governing board in the development of policies; as well as how to implement operational procedures. Current laws and recent cases will be analyzed.

EDEL 845  Human Resource Administration and Collective Bargaining  (3)  

This course addresses the principles and legally acceptable topics for collective bargaining; theories of delegation and empowerment; evaluation and professional development processes of teachers; supervision and evaluation of non-instructional staff; and procedures for recruitment, hiring and mentoring of all staff.

EDEL 850  Instructional Program with a Focus on Learning  (3)  

This course addresses the importance of alignment of teaching and learning with current research, organizational learning standards (national, state, district, individual); the importance of alignment of teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment; the importance of utilizing current pedagogical strategies, brain-based theory, and cognition/learning theories in instruction are key topics in this course. This course also addresses the importance of making sure that the instructional program ensures the success of groups with special needs and various diversities, including English language learners. It also addresses the planning and implementation of tiered interventions.

EDEL 851  Promoting Learning in the Organization  (3)  

Addresses how to advance learning in the organization. Through the exploration of a variety of theories and research, candidates will learn to effectively design, cultivate, implement, and evaluate coherent systems of learning that enable the organization to achieve its mission.

EDEL 855  Servant Leadership  (3)  

This course helps doctoral candidates not to fall into the trap of making decisions based on a self-determined level of importance. Rather, candidates are taught the fundamental premises of servant leadership as well as ways to implement them in a successful manner. In addition to being a role model for administrators, teachers, students, and classified employees, the educational servant leader also sets a moral and ethical tone in the development and actualization of partnerships and collaborative projects with the community.

EDEL 860  Governance of the School District  (3)  

This course addresses the intricacies of the relationship between the superintendent and the Board of Education. It also addresses the laws regarding meetings, filling of vacancies on the BOE, and conducting meetings in a parliamentary manner.

EDEL 861  Ethical Governance of Organization  (3)  

Examines theories and concepts related to the ethical governance of an organization. Candidates will investigate the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to cultivate relationships, lead collaborative decision making and governance, and represent and advocate for organizational needs.

EDEL 870  Superintendency Internship I  (3)  

This is the first of two required internships that provide candidates with diverse experiences that include authentic leadership activities within a district setting. Candidates engage a variety of coherent, authentic experiences within multiple district environments that afford opportunities to interact with stakeholders and synthesize and apply the content knowledge and refine the professional skills articulated in program, state, and national standards. Candidates will work under the supervision of a mentor superintendent and a university faculty member.

May be repeated for up to 3 hours  
EDEL 871  Superintendency Internship II  (3)  

This is the second of two required internships that provide candidates with diverse experiences that include authentic leadership activities within a district setting. Candidates engage a variety of coherent, authentic experiences within multiple district environments that afford opportunities to interact with stakeholders and synthesize and apply the content knowledge and refine the professional skills articulated in program, state, and national standards. Candidates will work under the supervision of a mentor superintendent and a university faculty member.

May be repeated for up to 3 hours  
EDEL 872  Experiential Leadership Project I  (3)  

Enables candidates to acquire organizational leadership experiences. While previous experiences most likely have been from the “field view”, these experiences are intended to present the candidate with the “big picture” or “balcony view” of organizational leadership. Candidates will work under the supervision of a university faculty member as well as a practicing organizational leader.

May be repeated for up to 3 hours  
EDEL 873  Experiential Leadership Project II  (3)  

Enables candidates to acquire organizational leadership experiences. While previous experiences most likely have been from the “field view”, these experiences are intended to present the candidate with the “big picture” or “balcony view” of organizational leadership. Candidates will work under the supervision of a university faculty member as well as a practicing organizational leader.

EDEL 894  Topics  (1-4)  

Provides for course of study of selected topics in education not included in the regular curriculum. May be repeated for credit to a maximum 4 hours

May be repeated for up to 24 hours  
EDEL 903  Instructional Leadership  (3)  

Examines the role of instructional leaders in making decisions, collaborating with teachers, and developing a school climate and culture that supports student learning and achievement. A major focus is on the process of developing, presenting, implementing, and evaluating a schoolimprovement plan that results in improved student learning for all P-12 students including those with special needs especially in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Effective instructional leadership is studied based on current literature, best instructional practices, and the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. The importance of balancing management and instructional leadership priorities is taught through a servant leadership perspective.

EDEL 945  Organization and Development of Curriculum  (3)  

Addresses the foundations, principles and issues of curriculum, the authentic assessment of student work, and collaboration with teachers in improving the curriculum. This course focuses on the role of the principal in the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of curriculumand assessment that support plans that result in improved student learning for all P-12 students including those with special needs especially in the areas of literacy and numeracy.

EDEL 955  Supervisory Behavior  (3)  

Focuses on current theory, practice of supervision in educational settings, and the importance of collaborating with teachers in the development of professional growth plans. The course introduces principles related to supervision and management of educational personnel focused on schoolimprovement, student achievement, and the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. The focus of supervision of personnel is the improvement of student learning for all P-12 students including special needs students.

EDEL 961  School Community Relations  (3)  

Focuses upon the process of planning, creating a vision, utilizing the internal and external resources, and use strategic planning strategies to improve P-12 regular and special needs student achievement, effectively manage school systems, and promote a positive learning and working environment. Collaboration with stakeholders to develop and sustain a learning community also is a focus of this course, as well as working with the media to report school progress to the public.

EDEL 962  School Finance  (3)  

Addresses financial and facility management systems within the district and school. The focus of analysis of each of these systems is on student achievement and how to align these systems to result in improved student achievement for regular and special needs students. Candidates will become familiar with monetary issues facing P-12 public schools in the 21st Century. The candidate will analyze a school district budget and prepare a simulated school building budget.

EDEL 963  School Law  (3)  

Addresses the legal foundations of educational systems in the United States as well as current trends and issues. The role of the P-12 principal and concomitant responsibilities within a legal framework are thoroughly explored. Landmark cases, as well as current and evolving cases are emphasized spanning the spectrum of local, state, and federal levels. Included in the course are legal school issues involving bullying, ethnicity, race, gender, exceptionality, religion, language and multiethnic/multicultural education. The rapidly changing area of special education is examined.

EDEL 964  Educational Organization and Administration  (3)  

Examines the school leadership principles, concepts, processes, and the structures of public and private schools in the United States with emphasis on P-12 schools in Illinois. In addition, candidates will provide evidence of teacher leadership activities, successful communication skills, and developing skills to maintain positive and collaborative relationships with others.

EDEL 970  Serving Special Populations  (3)  

Focuses on role of the principal and school leaders to ensure a free and appropriate public education for all students. Key topics are understanding of the scope of special needs and related services, legal obligations of schools, and rights of special student populations (including early childhood, English as a Second Language, differentiated instruction, special education (RTI, 504,IFSP), social and emotional issues, school improvement plans and gifted students. Appropriate placement and services for students with special needs is emphasized.

EDEL 971  Principal Internship I  (2)  

The candidate will intern on-site with a school (mentor) principal in a P-12 public or private school with the support of a faculty supervisor. The internship includes school leadership experiences in preschool, elementary, middle school and high school through a year-long Internship with regularand special needs students, such as those with Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSPs), or Section 504 plans, English Language Learners (ELLs), and students identified as gifted. The faculty supervisor will meet with the candidate and the principal to assess the progress of the internship. The candidate will meet with the faculty supervisor and other candidates to discuss and share their administrative experiences in planned seminars.

EDEL 972  Principal Internship II  (2)  

The candidate will intern on-site with a school (mentor) principal in a P-12 public or private school with the support of a faculty supervisor. The internship includes school leadership experiences in preschool, elementary, middle school and high school through a year-long Internship with regular and special needs students, such as those with Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSPs), or Section 504 plans, English Language Learners (ELLs), and students identified as gifted. The faculty supervisor will meet with the candidate and the principal to assessthe progress of the internship. The candidate will meet with the faculty supervisor and other candidates to discuss and share their administrative experiences in planned seminars.

EDEL 973  Principal Internship III  (2)  

The candidate will intern on-site with a school (mentor) principal in a P-12 public or private school with the support of a faculty supervisor. The internship includes school leadership experiences in preschool, elementary, middle school and high school through a year-long Internship with regularand special needs students, such as those with Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSPs), or Section 504 plans, English Language Learners (ELLs), and students identified as gifted. The faculty supervisor will meet with the candidate and the principal to assessthe progress of the internship.The candidate will meet with the faculty supervisor and other candidates to discuss and share their administrative experiences in planned seminars.