Academic Standing, Probation, Dismissal, and Re-Admission (Undergraduate)

Academic standing is established at the end of each semester for degree seeking students as a result of a minimum cumulative grade point average. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 based on grades earned at the University of St. Francis is required for graduation. The following guidelines are used for reviewing academic performance at the end of each semester:

Total Hours1 Good Standing Academic Probation Academic Dismissal
Less than 19 2.0 or higher 1.99-1.50 Less than 1.50
19-36 2.0 or higher 1.99-1.70 Less than 1.70
37-59 2.0 or higher 1.99-1.85 Less than 1.85
60 or more 2.0 or higher Less than 2.00

Includes both transfer hours earned and institutional hours earned and attempted.

Good Standing - A student maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher will be viewed as Good Standing and eligible for continued enrollment at the University.

Academic Probation - A student who was in Good Standing and has attempted twelve or more credit hours of coursework at the University and has not achieved a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher will be placed on Academic Probation. Students on Academic Probation are required to meet probation requirements as specified by their academic dean. Failure to meet those requirements during a probationary semester will result in academic dismissal.

Special Academic Probation - Students who are on Academic Probation for a second term will be classified as being on Special Academic Probation. Students on probation for more than two consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the University. Transfer students with more than 60 earned hours completing the first term of enrollment at USF who do not achieve a 2.0 may be granted Special Academic Probation at the discretion of the college dean.

Academic Dismissal - A student who has attempted twelve or more credit hours of coursework at the University and has not achieved a satisfactory cumulative grade point average identified in the table above or who has been on Special Academic Probation and still has not achieved a 2.0 GPA or higher will be subject to Academic Dismissal. In addition, any student who has failed to demonstrate professional/clinical competence as assessed in required applied experiences may be subject to dismissal from the program in which they are enrolled. Dismissed students will receive an email to their USF email account from the appropriate college dean informing the student of the dismissal within five working days after the Monday following exam week. Students may appeal the dismissal decision. If a student wishes to appeal, they will follow the Appeal Procedure for Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal policy in the University Catalog.

Re-admission after Dismissal - Students who have been dismissed for academic deficiency may only apply for re-admission after one semester. During that absence, the student should complete additional academic coursework at another approved college with a grade point average of at least 2.0 or have accomplished work or other responsibilities that demonstrate a commitment to achievement. Application for re-admission is made to the admissions office. The Admissions Committee will review the courses taken or activities pursued and determine whether the student has demonstrated the ability to do satisfactory work if re-admitted to the University of St. Francis. The Committee will seek input from the student’s former dean, academic advisor and Student Life before making a final decision.

At the discretion of the dean, students may have their Probation and/or Dismissal standing changed.

Special Undergraduate Academic Probation and Dismissal Policies

Academic Probation in Education

At the end of each semester, education majors will have their term and cumulative GPA recalculated based upon grades received in program prerequisites, general education, education and elective courses earned. Students with a term or cumulative GPA below that required in the Assessment Levels will be placed on Academic Probation. Students who fail to raise their GPA at the end of the next full semester will be dismissed from their education program. At the end of each semester, education majors will have their dispositions assessed by administration, faculty, field coordinators, and staff. Students who have a yellow disposition will be counselled. Those with a red disposition will be counselled and placed on Academic Probation or Dismissed. Students who have violated the Professional Code of Conduct will be placed on Academic Probation or Dismissed.

Academic Dismissal from Education

Students eligible for dismissal include:

  • Students with dispositional concerns or who violate the Professional Code of Conduct may be dismissed from the education program.
  • Students on Academic Probation who fail to raise their GPA to the level required in the Assessment Levels the following full semester may be dismissed from their education program.
  • Students who fail to achieve, on initial attempt, a minimum grade of “C” in two education or content courses may be dismissed from the program.
  • Students who withdraw from a second education or content course will be dismissed from the education program. (Note: education students are allowed to withdraw from an education course only once.)

The faculty reserves the right to recommend, to the Dean of the College of Education, the dismissal of students who demonstrate education disposition or academic performance, which makes it inadvisable for them to continue preparation for professional educator licensure. Students may appeal the dismissal by following a Petition. All decisions by the Dean of the College of Education are final.

Academic Probation in Nursing

At the end of each semester, nursing majors will have their term and cumulative GPA recalculated based upon grades received in program prerequisites, general education, nursing and elective courses earned at USF. Students with a term or cumulative GPA below 2.75 will be placed on Academic Probation and be required to follow the academic coaching provided by the program director.

Academic Dismissal from Nursing

If a student receives a grade of D or F from two nursing courses, the student will be dismissed from the nursing program.

The faculty reserves the right to recommend to the Dean of the College of Nursing the dismissal of students who demonstrate nursing/academic performance which makes it inadvisable for them to continue preparation for professional nursing. Students may appeal the dismissal by following the “Appeal Procedure for Academic Probation and Dismissal.”

Academic Forgiveness Policy

A student who returns to the University of St. Francis after an absence of three years or more and who demonstrates the ability to do well academically, as described below, may use Academic Forgiveness to remove the effect of earlier unsatisfactory grades. Such students are strongly encouraged to meet with an adviser in their college to develop an academic plan and to discuss this policy.

Eligibility - to be eligible, a student must:

  • Be re-admitted to the University after an absence of at least three calendar years
  • Have attempted1 at least 24 letter-graded hours at USF since re-admission
  • Have earned at least a 2.5 GPA in all courses attempted1 since re-admission
  • Request Academic Forgiveness in writing from the Registrar’s Office. This request must be made before the end of the semester immediately following the one in which requirement was met.

Attempted hours include all courses that contribute to the GPA, including those for which the student received credit by earning grades of A, B, C, or D or for which the student did not receive credit due to grades of F and P.

Implementation - after the student elects Academic Forgiveness and after eligibility is verified, the following adjustments are made to the student's academic record.

  • Grades of “F” earned at USF prior to re-entry are excluded from the calculation of the GPA (i.e., forgiven).
  • Each grade that is subject to this policy will remain on the official transcript but will be noted as (E), Excluded from the calculation of GPA.
  • A notation of “Academic Forgiveness” and the effective date will be placed on the transcript.

Other Guidelines

  • The Forgiveness Policy, which can be used only once, applies only to courses taken by the student at the University of St. Francis. Any grades received that reflect academic dishonesty are not subject to forgiveness. The Registrar’s Office will evaluate the student’s record to verify the nature of the grades prior to the application of the policy.
  • Use of the Forgiveness Policy does not mean that alterations will be made on a student’s transcript. The only change will be the manner in which the student’s grade point average is calculated.
  • Use of the Forgiveness Policy does not preclude a student from using other available course-specific grade replacement options for course work taken subsequent to re-enrollment.
  • A student who has been granted Academic Forgiveness must earn a minimum of 32 credit hours from the point of re-admission to be eligible to receive a baccalaureate degree (along with meeting all other graduation criteria).
  • Any academic probations, suspensions or dismissals posted for a given semester will not be removed from the transcript. They will also continue to be considered when Financial Aid is trying to determine the Academic Progress Policy for purposes of distributing financial assistance.