Health Care Management (HCLD)

HCLD 310  Management in Health Care Organization  (3)  

Introduces the student to the structure, operation and management of health care institutions. The social, environmental and political factors that impact the health care environment are identified. The course will focus on communication, leadership skills, decision-making, strategic planning and human resource management.

HCLD 336  Ethics in Health Care  (3)  

Explores the issues and processes related to ethics in the workplace. The course will also give special attention to the role of ethics in professional leadership. Insights from the intellectual and moral content of the university’s Catholic Franciscan tradition will help enrich the moral discussion.

HCLD 342  Health Care Delivery  (3)  

Introduces a broad overview of the concepts, theories and practices important for the basic understanding of health care delivery in the United States. Topics focus on the various forms and function of the U.S. health care system including hospital care, health care education and personnel, financing health care, long term care, mental health, public heath, and various styles and environments of effective leaders. In addition, the future of health care will be explored.

HCLD 345  Health Information Management  (3)  

A comprehensive introduction to health information management. It includes discussions of settings, patient records, legal aspects, coding, and reimbursement.

HCLD 346  Health Care Accounting and Budgeting  (3)  

Provides an introduction to and an analysis of selected financial issues relative to the health care industry in general. Particular attention will be given to health care finances and accounting practices. It is intended that at the conclusion of the course, non-financial managers of health care institutions will obtain an appreciation for and understanding of the financial implications of operational and strategic management decisions. The course provides a foundation of knowledge that will assist students who pursue future courses of study in health care accounting or finance.

HCLD 347  Health Law, Regulation and Policy  (3)  

Provides an introduction to the political, legislative, and regulatory forces in the industry. It will include discussions of the health care political process, how health care policies are developed, passed and implemented, and how consumer protections are intertwined with public health policy.

HCLD 403  Organizational and Human Resource Management  (3)  

Examines major management and behavioral theories as they apply to health service organizations and major issues in human resource management.

HCLD 407  Medical Sociology  (3)  

Provides a broad overview of the health services delivery system as viewed by the social scientist. The course addresses the influence of values and cultures on health and illness, on delivery systems and on professional roles.