Nursing (NURS)

NURS 102  Pharmacology Mathematics  (1)  

Increases the knowledge and skills of basic math and medication skills to nursing students. In order to ensure competency during the education process and in nursing practice, nursing students must be able to compute any and all possible medication calculations. This course will include information necessary to meet the critical task of correct pharmacological math calculations. The course will include unites units to assist students to skillfully conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize and/or evaluate information. (The passing grade for this course is a "B" or better, per LCON policy, in order to progress into clinical. If the course is not passed with a "B" or better on the first attempt, the course must be repeated).

May be repeated for up to 2 hours  
NURS 194  Topics  (1-4)  

A course which covers broad themes, practices, and subject content not currently offered in the curriculum.

NURS 245  Nursing Informatics  (2)  

Prepares the traditional Nursing student to effectively and efficiently use technology to identify, collect, process and manage health care information. This course will provide a basic understanding of nursing science, computer science and information science with an overview of nursing informatics. Principles and practices related to evaluation of heath care software applications are examined and a review of various health care information systems is provided.

NURS 250  Concepts of Professional Nursing  (3)  

Is a course designed to provide a foundation for the study of professional nursing. The philosophy and the organizing framework of the educational program of the College of Nursing is introduced. Special emphasis will be placed on Orem's Self-Care Deficit theory. Through critical thinking application, the student is guided in conceptualizing how knowledge previously attained in the liberal arts, sciences, and the humanities interrelates with nursing practice.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Arts and Sciences or Nursing colleges.  
NURS 255  Concepts of Population-Based Nursing  (3)  

This course introduces the foundational concepts of population-based nursing to students in the first semester of the nursing major. Students will explore the history of community health nursing, social determinants, and other factors influencing health equity and population health. Students will have opportunities to develop essential nursing competencies for improving preventive health practices and health promotion that they will apply to various nursing specialties and healthcare settings.

NURS 260  Human Nutrition  (2)  

Expands the student's knowledge of nutritional concepts and issues. Student will examine their own dietary practices and devise strategies to modify them to improve their nutritional health. Open to all students.

NURS 300  Nursing Academic Coaching  (1)  

Provides one-to-one coaching to assist the student to achieve success in undergraduate advanced nursing courses. Tutoring group sessions are scheduled weekly per academic coach's schedule; this schedule will be sent through the student's USF email. Course is Pass/Fail.

May be repeated for up to 4 hours  
NURS 301  Concepts of Professional Nursing  (3)  

Provides a foundation for the study of professional nursing. Strategies for the successful completion of the nursing major building on previous study skills will be presented with an emphasis on identifying and applying critical thinking. The philosophy and the organizing framework of the educational program of the College of Nursing are introduced. Special emphasis will be placed on Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory. Through critical thinking application, the student is guided in conceptualizing how knowledge previously attained in the liberal arts, sciences and the humanities interrelates with nursing practice.

NURS 308  Health Assessment  (3)  
Prerequisite: BIOL 221 and BIOL 211 and CHEM 120  

Includes assessment of Orem's universal and developmental self-care requisites from childhood through senescence. Health deviation self-care requisites of clients from childhood through senescence are identified. Professional, legal and ethical ramifications underlying the assessment process are emphasized. Students are given the opportunity to practice and validate interviewing and physical assessment skills in the basic skills laboratory prior to application in various clinical settings.

NURS 310  Fundamentals of Nursing  (5)  
Prerequisite: NURS 250 and NURS 255 and NURS 308 (may be taken concurrently)  

Builds upon the knowledge acquired in the prerequisites, NURS250, NURS265, and NURS270 while continuing to incorporate health promotion, protection, and maintenance. Through classroom and clinical experiences, the students begin the application of critical thinking in clinical situations as they examine the self-care requisites of clients from young adulthood through senescence. The course focuses on professional nursing interventions for health deviations. Clinical experiences provide further development and utilization of therapeutic communication. Opportunities for written and verbal communication are provided through client interaction, nursing care verbal communication is provided through client interaction, nursing care plans, and legal documentation. The nursing process is applied to clients of various ethnocultural origins who require primary and/or secondary levels of health care in a variety of settings. This course emphasizes supportive educative and partly compensatory nursing systems.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 311  Pathophysiology  (3)  
Prerequisite: BIOL 211 and BIOL 221 and BIOL 252 and CHEM 120 or TRNS 261 or TRNS 262  

Builds upon the knowledge of normal human structure and function gained in anatomy and physiology courses. The course begins with a discussion of the concept of health versus disease. The focus is on disease or the physiological alterations in body structure and pathological disruptions in function. These deviations are discussed using Orem's universal self-care requisites as an organizing framework. The course is designed to allow the student to integrate principles and concepts of Pathophysiology into concurrent and subsequent clinical nursing courses.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 313  Pharmacology  (3)  
Prerequisite: BIOL 252 and BIOL 211 and BIOL 221 and CHEM 120 and NURS 308  

Includes a broad overview of the historical development, regulatory control, and current practices which govern drug therapy. The relationship of drug therapy to the universal self-care requisites across the life span is presented. Drug classifications with related actions, effects, and interactions are examined. The roles and responsibilities of the professional nurse in pharmacotherapy are identified. The course is designed to allow the student to integrate principles and concepts of drug therapy into clinical nursing courses.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 315  Pharmacology  (4)  
Prerequisite: NURS 250 and NURS 255 and NURS 308 and NURS 311  

This course includes didactic and lab classes to provide a broad overview of the historical development, regulatory control, and current practices governing drug therapy. Ethno-cultural aspects of drug therapy are also addressed. Drug classifications with related actions, effects, and interactions are examined, and the roles and responsibilities of the professional nurse in pharmacotherapy are identified. Communication skills are identified as related to client education regarding drug therapy. The course is designed to allow the student to gain nursing competencies to safely administer medications and integrate principles and concepts of drug therapy into clinical experience. Students also review basic math skills and develop medication skills necessary to meet the critical task of correct pharmacological math calculations.

NURS 330  Nursing Care of the Adult I  (6)  
Prerequisite: NURS 310 and NURS 315  

This course builds upon the knowledge acquired in nursing fundamentals and sciences while incorporating health promotion, protection, and maintenance. The course focuses on professional nursing interventions for health deviations of adults and older adults with acute and chronic medical conditions. Through classroom and clinical experiences, students apply the nursing process to clients of various ethnocultural origins for health promotions and evidence-based nursing care in various healthcare settings and the community. Clinical experiences provide opportunities for written and verbal communication are provided through client interaction, nursing care plans, and legal documentation.

NURS 335  Nursing Care of the Adult II  (6)  
Prerequisite: NURS 330 and NURS 340  

This course builds upon the knowledge acquired in the nursing care of the adult I course while continuing to incorporate health promotion, protection, and maintenance. The course focuses on applying the nursing process to adult and older adult clients adapting to acute and chronic physiologic and/or psychiatric alterations within their internal and external environment. Self-care requisites and the care of the adult and older adult population are integrated into both didactic and clinical components. The student will examine and utilize the process of planned change within the health care system to improve the overall quality of health/life within the community. Clinical experiences provide opportunities for written and verbal communication are provided through client interaction, nursing care plans, and legal documentation.

NURS 340  Psychosocial Nursing  (4)  
Prerequisite: NURS 310 and NURS 315  

The course focuses on applying the nursing process to clients across the life span who are adapting to acute and chronic psychiatric alterations within their internal and external environment. Students experience patient safety, therapeutic communication, and appropriate nursing interventions for clients in various healthcare settings and in the community.

NURS 350  Professional Nursing Practice II  (8)  
Prerequisite: NURS 308 and NURS 310 and NURS 311 and NURS 313  

Builds upon the knowledge and skills acquired in Level I courses. The course focuses on the application of the nursing process to clients across the life span who are adapting to acute and chronic physiologic and/or psychiatric alterations within their internal and external environment. Self-care requisites and the care of the older adult are integrated into both didactic and clinical components. Student assignments emphasize care of clients requiring partly compensatory, and wholly compensatory nursing interventions in secondary and tertiary health care settings.

NURS 362  Ethical/Legal Issues for Health Care  (3)  
Prerequisite: (NURS 310 and NURS 311 and NURS 313 and NURS 350 and NURS 412 and NURS 420)  

Focuses on the ethical and legal considerations which impact the nursing practice and the health care delivery system. Established standards are utilized as framework to promote ethical decision making. Legal parameters, which affect the health care delivery system and their relationship to nursing practice, are explored. The course is designed to allow the student to integrate legal and ethical concepts into concurrent and subsequent clinical nursing courses.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Religious Foundations  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 364  Spiritual/Ethnocultural Aspect  (3)  
Prerequisite: NURS 310  

Builds upon previous courses in the curriculum. The influence of culture, ethnicity, and spiritual belief systems upon individuals is explored. The adaptation of the nursing process to include unique interpretations related to culture, ethnicity, and spiritual belief systems is presented. A variety of beliefs and practices regarding health and illness are discussed.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Religious Foundations  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 365  Physical Assessment  (3)  

Is a course that focuses on assessment of Orem's universal and developmental self-care requisites across the lifespan. Emphasis is on the physical assessment techniques of inspection, auscultation, percussion and palpation, which are utilized in the assessment of each body system. Concepts related to health promotion and wellness are integrated into the course and professional, legal and ethical ramifications underlying the assessment process are discussed. Students are expected to practice and validate interviewing and physical assessment skills.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 367  Complementary Therapies in Nursing  (1)  

This course is designed to provide the theoretical basis for select complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Published research as well as scientific and consumer internet resources will be used to evaluate the indications, contraindications, safety and efficacy of CAM therapies such as Ayurveda, Homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal remedies, bioelectromagnetic therapies, massage and pet therapy.

NURS 369  Ethical/Legal Issues for Health Care  (3)  

Focuses on the ethical and legal considerations which impact the nursing practice and the health care delivery system. Established standards are utilized as framework to promote ethical decision making. Legal parameters, which affect the health care delivery system and their relationship to nursing practice, are explored. The course is designed to allow the student to integrate legal and ethical concepts into concurrent and subsequent clinical nursing courses.

NURS 412  Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice  (3)  
Prerequisite: NURS 310 and MATH 105  

Introduces the student to the research process and its application to nursing practice. The course focuses on an analysis of the steps of the research process, interpretation of research findings and evaluation of research outcomes. The value of research for the advancement of nursing knowledge is discussed.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 416  Client Education  (3)  
Prerequisite: NURS 310  

Examines the supportive educative role of the nurse in assisting clients and families with self-care deficits. The teaching process is used as a systematic approach to assess both the teacher and learner as biological, psychological, social, spiritual, and cultural beings. The student will assess client's readiness to learn, develop various teaching strategies, and implement a plan for instruction for selected clients and families. The student will then evaluate the teaching-learning process.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 418  End of Life Issues  (1)  

Introduces the student to the issues surrounding end of life. The use of critical thinking as well as evidence-based data is incorporated into the class. Although offered through the Leach College of Nursing, it is appropriate for all students who have an interest in end of life. Placement: Junior level or instructor's permission.

NURS 420  The Ministry of Nursing  (3)  
Prerequisite: NURS 310 and MATH 105  

Will enhance personal growth and integration of a value/belief system with professional nursing practice. This will occur by using the critical thinking skills of discrimination/contemplation, discernment, reflection, and meditation. Students will focus on nursing as a ministry and relate that to a personal sense of mission. Journal writing as a skill will be practiced. A condensed format will be used to maintain the student's focus and concentration.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 430  Nursing Care of the Adult III  (4)  
Prerequisite: NURS 335 and NURS 450  

This course provides a culminating experience in which students have opportunities to apply, evaluate and synthesize previously learned knowledge and skills from the nursing discipline and related disciplines. It is designed to facilitate the development of student’s own leadership potential, decision-making style, and critical thinking skills within critical care settings. The focus of the course is the use of the nursing process with individuals, families, and groups experiencing physiological and/or psychosocial deficits. This course emphasizes supportive-educational, partly compensatory, and wholly compensatory nursing systems with a particular emphasis on the wholly compensatory.

NURS 450  Professional Nursing Practice III  (6)  
Prerequisite: NURS 330 and NURS 340 and PSYC 240  

This course strengthens students’ critical thinking skills by applying the nursing process in client care experiences in Obstetrics (OB), Pediatrics (Peds), and within complementary experiences/assignments. Students will have opportunities to practice therapeutic nursing interventions across diverse cultural and ethnic groups. Clinical experiences enhance students’ communication skills in verbal communication with peers and members of the health team, legal documentation, and client/family teaching. Ongoing professional role development is supported through group discussion, analysis of client experiences and care settings, and exposure to formal nursing research.

NURS 460  Professional Nursing Practice IV  (8)  
Prerequisite: NURS 450  

Is the culminating experience in which the student has an opportunity to apply, evaluate and synthesize previously learned knowledge and skills from the nursing discipline and related disciplines. It is designed to facilitate the development of the student's own leadership potential, decision-making style, and critical thinking skills within a variety of health care settings. The focus of the course is the use of the nursing process with individuals, families, and groups experiencing physiological and/or psychosocial deficits. The student will examine and utilize the process of planned change within the health care system to improve the overall quality of health/life within the community. This course emphasizes supportive-educational, partly compensatory and wholly compensatory nursing systems with a particular emphasis upon the wholly compensatory.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 461  Nursing Leadership and Management  (3)  
Prerequisite: NURS 450 (may be taken concurrently)  

Provides an overview of management principles. Emphasis is given to the function of management within a health care setting.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 462  Professional Nursing Seminar  (3)  
Prerequisite: HCLD 336 (may be taken concurrently) or HCLD 362 (may be taken concurrently)  

Is designed to assist the student in role transition to that of a registered nurse. Issues discussed include: the health care system, political implications for health care, and for professional nursing. The student focuses on the role and responsibilities of the professional nurse.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 465  Community Health Nursing  (2)  
Prerequisite: NURS 350  

Focuses on community and public health nursing concepts which provide the basis of care for families, aggregates, and communities outside traditional institutional settings. The focus is on health promotion. Health activities within the community will be identified under the three levels of prevention, primary, secondary, and tertiary. The students will examine and utilize the process of planned change within the health care system to improve the overall quality of health/life within the community. Ongoing development of the professional role is supported through online and in class group discussion, case study analysis of client experiences in various types of care settings, windshield survey, and review of a research article related to community health. This course requires clinical hours TBA.

NURS 468  Transition to Professional Nursing Practice I  (2)  
Prerequisite: NURS 335 and NURS 465  

This course prepares students for role transition to a professional registered nurse. The current issues and trends in the healthcare and nursing profession, such as the healthcare system and political implications for healthcare, are discussed in the course. Students explore the role and responsibilities of the professional nurse and prepare for career advancement, professional development, and self-care strategies.

NURS 469  Transition to Professional Nursing Practice II  (3)  
Prerequisite: NURS 430 and NURS 468  

This course is the last course of the BSN program, preparing students for the nursing licensure examination and professional nursing practice. Students will have a review of the theory and practice of nursing care for success on the licensure examination and transition to their nursing practice. Selected topics are determined by the cohort’s content mastery standardized test results and covered to allow students to improve areas of growth and ensure areas of strength. Also, capstone clinical experience provides opportunities to apply for the professional nurse role while working with their preceptor. Students will be required to use their clinical reasoning skills and synthesize the theoretical basis of nursing care and legal and ethical principles to provide safe nursing care, perform evidence-based practice, coordinate and manage nursing care, and collaborate with other healthcare providers. Students will also have opportunities to practice their nursing leadership roles in promoting quality improvement and patient safety.

NURS 471  Community Health Nursing  (4)  

Provides an overview of community health principles. This course provides the student with the opportunity to apply and synthesize theoretical concepts with clients who have multiple acute and/or chronic health deviations. Ongoing development of the professional role is supported through group discussion, analysis of client experiences and care settings, and exposure to formal nursing research. (Clinical hours are required for this course).

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 474  Leadership and Management  (4)  

Presents basic concepts of leadership and management, with an emphasis on their application to today's changing health care system. Clinical practicum required for this course.

NURS 494  Special Topics in Nursing  (1-8)  

Offers advanced study of selected topics in nursing. Not available all semesters. Community Health Topics-Nursing in Bolivia offered in summer based on number of registrants.

May be repeated for up to 4 hours  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.  
NURS 496  Independent Study in Nursing  (1-3)  
Prerequisite: NURS 360 or NURS 350  

Is designed to allow the student to investigate and develop expertise in a specialized area of nursing. The intent of this course is to permit the student to increase competency in a selected area of interest in collaboration with a designated faculty member. The student is responsible to formulate objectives for the experience, plan and implement the learning activities, and evaluate the total experience under supervision of the faculty.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the Nursing college.