Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 101  Introductory Spanish I  (3)  

Is an audio-lingual presentation of elementary Spanish grammar and vocabulary.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 102  Introductory Spanish II  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or FORL 101  

Is a continuation of FORL 101.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 201  Intermediate Spanish I  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 102  

Gives an intensive grammar review along with further development of the oral and written practices through the use of selected reading.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 202  Intermediate Spanish II  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 201  

Provides a continuation of SPAN 201.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 210  Spanish Conversation, Reading and Comprehension I  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 202  

Give practice in the use of everyday Spanish; dictation, composition on ordinary theses, translation from English, and drill in practical conversation. Conducted in Spanish.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 211  Spanish Conversation, Reading and Comprehension II  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 210  

A continuation of SPAN 210, with emphasis on reading and writing along with audio-language skills. Conducted in Spanish.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 240  Spanish Short Stories  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 211  

Is especially designed to introduce the student to literature through the reading of short stories of Spanish and Latin American writers. Conducted in Spanish.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 294  Topics: Spanish Language  (1-4)  

Is a title given to a course which covers broad themes, practices and subject content not currently offered in the curriculum. This course is directed primarily at non-majors and may be used for general education where approved.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
May be repeated for up to 4 hours  
SPAN 301  Spanish Civilization and Culture  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 211 or SPAN 240  

Is a study of the history, topography, art, literature, music, and social aspects of Spain. Conducted in Spanish.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 302  Latin American Literature  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 211  

Is a study of the history, topography, art, philosophy, literature, music, and sociological aspects of Mexico and Latin America.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 340  Introduction to Spanish Language Literature  (3)  
Prerequisite: SPAN 210  

Introduces the student to some of the major Hispanic writers from both Spain and Latin America through a diverse array of reading selections representing the four genres of prose, poetry, drama and the essay. Conducted in Spanish.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
SPAN 494  Topics in Spanish  (1-6)  

Offers advanced study in special topics in the study of Spanish language and/or culture. Classes conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: Placement in the class, three semesters of college level language study or equivalent.

Meets general education requirements: GE-Social Awareness  
May be repeated for up to 8 hours