University Seal, Motto, and Logo
The seal identifies the dual destiny of the University of St. Francis. The crest in the inner circle shows the arm of Christ joined with the arm of St. Francis at the base of the cross. This symbolizes the fusion of love between Christ and St. Francis as identified through the motto, "Deus Meus et Omnia," "My God and My All," which is mounted on the crest. Tower Hall, the main academic building at the University of St. Francis, shown on the right side of the crest, symbolizes learning. The fleur-de-lis atop the crest is representative of Mary Immaculate, the patroness of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, who founded the university. The motto "Primo Unctio et Postea Speculatio," which encircles the crest, identifies the Franciscan ideal of education, "Holiness First and Then Learning."
The logo identifies the official name, the University of St. Francis, and is presented in a symbolic rendition of a gothic window, a connection to the medieval origin of universities and to the collegiate gothic architecture of Tower Hall. The official colors of the University are the brown of St. Francis and gold.