History - Minor Program

Minor Program: History (18 credit hours)

Required Course
Select one of the following:3
History of World Civilization to 1500 (3)
History of World Civilization 1500 to Present (3)
Select five of the following:15
United States to 1865 (3)
United States Since 1865 (3)
History of Africa (3)
History of the Middle East (3)
History of Latin America (3)
History and Politics of East Asia (3)
20th Century Europe (3)
History of World War II: Global Perspective (3)
Politics and History of Eastern Europe (3)
Public History (3)
Digitizing History (3)
Colonial America (3)
America's Early Republic (3)
Civil War and Reconstruction (3)
Emergence of Modern America (3)
The United States: 1914-1945 (3)
The United States since 1945 (3)
United States in World Affairs (3)
History in Film (3)
From Witches to Feminists (3)
Medieval Europe (3)
Modern Europe I (3)
Modern Europe II (3)
Classical Civilization of Greece and Rome (3)
Renaissance and Reformation (3)
The Presidency (3)
Topics in History (3) (European)
Total Hours18

Note: HIST 301 History and Social Sciences Seminar is highly recommended for minors, and it may be substituted for one U.S. or European course.